There is so much out there on the wonderful web that inspires and enriches my awareness!

Fabulous websites and resources
Here are a few of my current favourite gems:
Orphan Wisdom School – the home of Stephen Jenkinson, one of the master story-tellers of our times.
Dr Martin Shaw – Writer, teacher and mythologist and founder of The West Country School of Myth.
Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability | Video on A beautiful TED talk by Brene Brown who studies vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame. I am really inspired by her and her writing. Her book, The Gifts Of Imperfection, is a wonderful read.
Wise Brain Bulletin | Rick Hanson’s book, Buddha Brain, is another of my favourites and his website also has a great source of articles and tools for developing awareness of how the brain works and the power of compassionate thinking.
Self-compassion – A Healthier Way of Relating to Yourself Dr Kristin Neff’s website is a wonderful resource with guided meditations, information into her research on compassion and exercises to increase self compassion. Sarah Peyton shares her work on interpersonal neurobiology and Nonviolent Communication. She has a free newsletter, Empathy Brain.
Other bits I like... soul food and fun

Generosity and Gift Culture...
I have been really inspired recently by a a group of people I am working with in India, and our project which has decided to take a leap of faith and offer places at the annual NVC Convention on the basis of pay what you want.
I was both longing to jump and afraid to fall when we first started discussing how this would work and this Ted Talk by Nipun Meheta really helped me to find the courage to leap!